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End-of year-review 2017

We built up a sewing school at Beso Foundation, Wanteete.100 girls are learning to sew. Besides this the school uniforms can be sewed in school, now.

Thank you so much for the support of following enterprises:,,

Thank you Maximilian Bloch ( for organization the fundraising “Drunk doing Good”, the mentioned enterprises have taken part.

Also we could found a library in Wanteete because of a fundraising by the employees of Mahagoni Music Club, Augsburg ( The pupils and students have access to books, this is improving education a lot. Thank you so much!

At Rainbow House of Hope, Kampala we installed a watertank, rainwater is collected and can be used for all the facilities.
We planted trees at the agriculture project of Rainbow House.Furthermore we go on distributing afripads and moscitonets (see DONATIONS)

Thank you very much to all our supporters, godparents and friends!

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Newspaper Artikel – Augsburger Allgemeine

Thank you very much to the Augsburger Allgemeine newspaper for the great article, about our charity project Towanika!

Brigitte Ross-artikel









Brigitte Ross-artikel

Two new chimneys at Victory Primary School

December 2016

Our new school buildings at Victory Primary School are finished.
Two new chimneys have been installed in the school kitchen. The smoke caused difficulties to teach the children.

Kamine für die Schulküche

mosquito net and reading glasses

Distribution of mosquito nets for elder and pregnant women, who are specially endangered too lose the baby, getting malaria infected by mosquitos.
As well we examined with help of an eye doctor 500 kids in Wanteete St. Mark school of eye problems and distributed reading glasses for the teachers.
Thank you all for your help!





Thank you very much to the company Sinngold (!

Because of being part of the action DO GOOD DRUNK we could buy with the donation big sauce pans for Wanteete, to cook for around 500 kids.


Akuma for Africa e.V. – In der Fuchssiedlung 12, 86199 Augsburg – Telefon: 0821/9980834 – Fax: 0821/9980833
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