For a family with a lot of kids, it’s usually not possible to afford school and school supplies. That’s the reason we offer a sponsorship.
The families are selected by us on urgency (for example children who lost both parents because of HIV and other family members can’t pay the school fees ).
It is also possible to have personal contact by letters.
The monthly payment is between 10 and 40 euros and depends on the grade of the child or that the child is staying at boarding school.
To make sponsorship possible for the entire school career, it makes sense to include the whole family in the sponsorship.
You can also sponsor medical care . This sponsorship will for example be used for malaria treatment or to make vaccinations possible
(see Projects).
Eva Maria K. and Elisabeth R.:
„We want to give children an education! A future with certainty is only possible with education!”“
Sponsor children:
- Elizabeth, 4 years old
- Juliet, 8 years old
- Joseph, 14 years old
An extremely poor family of 8, that shares one room and live on the profit of a small vegetable stall. The older children cannot go to high school because of the lack of money.
Click to enlarge the image.
Ingrid S. with her son Luis:
„We want the same opportunities in education for every child.“
Sponsor child:
- Favour, 7 years old
Was left behind at her grandmother’s after her parents’ divorce.
Click to enlarge the image.
Martina Schiffelholz and Petra Grab from Presentissima:
„We experienced TOWANIKA from the start through our friend Brigitte. We continue to be impressed by the results of TOWANIKA. We admire their involvement. Although we haven’t travelled to Uganda yet, the country is a little closer to our hearts. It was clear for us that we wanted to be sponsors! We look forward to our little Edinah going to school because of us, without bringing the family in dept. When we received her first letter, we were ecstatic…“
Sponsor child:
- Edinah, 5 years old
She has 6 brothers and sisters. An extremely poor family that lives of temporary jobs of the father and holds chickens to sell eggs.
Click to enlarge the image.
Karin Mausz from Heart Advertising and Remus Mausz:
„We already donate to various charity organizations and support children and their families for many years. It is obvious for us, because we are lucky to live in this (luxury) world. We had no sponsorship till now but we often thought about it. Through the kindness of Brigitte from TOWANIKA and her support it has been easy to manage, so that since the end of 2016 we are sponsoring little Junior. And we already got the first, sweet letter from him…“
Sponsor child:
- Junior, 4 years old
Single mother, one sister, very poor family. The mother tries to sell vegetables to keep the wolf from the door since the father has left them.
Click to enlarge the image.