Afripads provides girls and young women a future
Through facebook page TOWANIKA and e-mail the action WOMEN FOR WOMEN is started and already successful!
This action aims to purchase Afripads for girls in primary school. AFRIpads is a sanitary napkin that is washable, 12-month useful, absorbent (6 to 10 hours), provided with a soft coating, environment-friendly and costs only 4 euros per Menstrual Kit.
Our foundation Towanika buys this product directly from the headquarter in Kampala and brings it in person to the schools we work with.
Meanwhile we have a commitment from an annual donation of 200 euros and many other gifts. Also an action is being organized this year by two people who manage a boardinghouse for young adults. In short, we can buy new Afripads again in February and travel to Wantetee and Kampala to support many girls, young women of sanitary napkins. For them, a luxury which is actually supposed to be a necessity of life.